How Does It Work?
CaliberSwap is a safe, discreet, and hassle-free way to sell and dispose of your firearms. We understand that not everyone is a hunter, collector or gun enthusiast. We also understand that not everyone wants a firearm in their home and many people would rather turn their gun into cash. That’s where CaliberSwap comes in! We buy your new, used, or unwanted firearms for cash and guide you through the process of doing so safely and legally.
Step 1) Simply submit a picture of your firearm(s) and send it to us to start the appraisal process
Step 2) After your firearm(s) is appraised, we’ll make you a cash offer to purchase it. Should you choose to sell it to us, we’ll pay for postage and provide you with instructions for safely shipping it to us. We’ll guide you through the process step by step to ensure full compliance with the law.
Step 3) Once your firearm arrives at our facility, it will be inspected by our gunsmith, processed in an official record of transfer and a Bill of Sale will be issued indicating that you are no longer the owner of the firearm and that it has been legally transferred to a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (that’s us!). We send you a copy of the Bill of Sale and payment the next business day! How easy is that